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"Perceived authority.....and "Catastrophic Threat", this instantly reminded this reader about that episode of the original "Star Trek", "A Taste of Armageddon", whereby two parties were threatening and using nuclear warfare against one another, and it was all a sham and exposed when Captain Kirk was basically like "crap-or-get-off-the-pot"; two opposing parties have every reason to be in cahoots with one another for perpetual warfare for the perpetual selling of peace, perhaps, "honor among thieves" in warriors who know not anything else, like in "Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country" whereby the Federation and Klingons allied with one another to assassinate the Klingon Chancellor to continue their war between each other; the Shirky Principle in action; it showed the fallacy of brinkmanship, which later in "The Next Generation", Captain Picard said was "a dangerous game". It can be, but seldom is. This user has to chuckle when the doompr0n-spreaders try to use nuclear warfare as a scare tactic.

Nukes are obsolete, and if anything, the threat is all the more reason to encourage decentralization to the point of "AnCapistan", because for nuclear warfare to be a threat, there must be a target to launch at, and that's all the more reason to stay out of the likes of New York City, because there is seldom a psycho with enough power to launch a nuke at some guy's bunker in the middle of nowhere, because for a psycho, who are all like vampires that feed off of humans, basically, there is little satisfaction for these "Jokers" to nuke a wasteland, as it'd be a waste of a nuke, which is not cheap and hard to come by and long to build properly! Look at the Obsidian trade route cities of ancient Syria/Turkey/Izzyhel: they were decentralized and didn't have a town center; if a bomb went off, they could easily rebuild because they didn't tie all their industries together and some would survive along with their people! (Thx to Peter Rosenberg's presentation at Anarchapulco past)

Also, the world is both small and large at the same time; as seen in an episode of "Arrow", a nuke could be deactivated or re-routed in mid-air and even (preferably not) destroyed in mid-air, and it would likely travel above the heads of other, third-party friendly-and-not-friendly governments, who would not take to having a nuke above their heads nicely. IF nukes ever flew, it'd be a "Spector"-like Deep State/Evil alien proxy puppeteering it all because "when two men quarrel, a third rejoices" all to pick up the pieces afterwards when two parties are destroyed, as an excuse to "render aid" at-best, if it's small enough and, essentially, be a land grab! But even that scenario isn't outside the realm of preposterous, because if it were a dirty bomb, then that land up for grabs would be irradiated and destroyed and of no value and uninhabitable for any would-be invader! It'd SOLELY be by a nihilistic/anti-Earth/human faction and NOT "der Ebil Rushans" or "Chi-Coms" and "imperialistic Amerimutts" or lobsterbax/frogs/etc.. They want to save face and they know whomever fires the first shot is instantly cast as, in prowrestling fashion, the "heel" in the eyes of the audience that is the universe! Each of these gangs of men called government know any such North Korea-like saber-rattling is easily called out, but seldom done, for the mutual consolidating of power out of any fear produced there of! Any authority to be derived from such fear. Look at the DECADES, upon DECADES, of saber-rattling by North Korea, warning of "dire consequences" all over the world, all the time, and then what? NOTHING HAPPENS. Nothing has happened and won't. North Korea is in the 1980s and their "internet" has like 8 websites. They depend solely on bootleg Western products from China and Russia in exchange for their labor and any resources their land might have. The Chi-coms may use their people for experiments and the Russians use Korean labor in eastern Russian mining operations. They're in no such position to invade the U.S., despite any jingoistic video games and movies based on Red Dawn that were supposed to be about China, but were switched to Koreans in the name of cheap labor and textile and technology sweatshops for the Western corporatists!

Oh, almost forgot: Robert David Steele theorizes that an alien faction (extraterrestrial or other-humans, don't know) of some sort hates nuclear warfare and won't allow it to come to pass; that may be why some of them fly above nuclear powerplants from time-to-time, allegedly. Also, allegedly, is it a coincidence "aliens" are being spotted in Miami malls and being talked about in Congress? It may have to do with a Project Blue Beam (hoax?) to get people into JadeHelm/Rex84 bunker-cities beneath the Earth before a real-or-fake alien "war" happens on/above the surface!

Good article, keep it up!

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